Universal sewing machine japan
Universal sewing machine japan

universal sewing machine japan

In many cases, the machines out of Japan were manufactured with better engineering making the sewing machine a smoother machine overall.

universal sewing machine japan

Singer was slow to introduce reverse but all three of our "clones" have that. There are even many people in the vintage sewing machine world who refuse to call them clones because they aren't carbon copies of the Singer machines. So are the Singer 15 clone machines bad? Absolutely not! Many prefer the clone machines over the original machines. This is usually the tale tell sign that the machine was imported. If you are unsure if your machine is badged from Japan look for a DeLuxe tag somewhere on the machine. I didn't find anything about Singer suing Juki but I'm guessing that Singer didn't take too kindly to Juki using their name. Many companies faced lawsuits and fines for using copyrighted and/or trademarked names. This continued long after the companies stopped making class 15 machines and started producing their own machines. In order to gain customers, the Japanese manufacturers would often badge their machines with names that the US consumer was already familiar with. The whole reason I bought the one that says Singer is for the copyright infringement.


Singer may have offered it up since they never really focused on that line of machines or the patents may have been up so the plans were free game. How the US was able to give the plans away for this sewing machine is fairly murky. Like I said earlier we have three of them, one has no manufacture marks, one is stamped with Brother on many of the parts, and the one that actually says Singer on it is stamped in many places Juki. Many different companies made these machines to get started and many are still in business today. This was done as an effort to help rebuild Japans economy. So how and why did they get copied? At the end of World War II the US government basically gave the Japanese the blueprints to the Singer 15 sewing machine. Now there are machines that take other needles or other bobbins but the vast majority of machines on the market today use the bobbin and the needle that Singer devolped for the 15K in 1879. The class 15 bobbin hasn't changed much since 1879 and the needles you buy at any of the big box stores are 15x1 needles. The Singer 15 brought us our standard needles today and the standard bobbin of today. Singer Sewing Machine Company started making class 15 machines in 1879 and stopped making them in the mid-1950s. So now that we know what a class 15 machine is, let's jump into the history of them. Now many sewist and quilters prefer the 15 machines because of this, there is nothing obstructing the view of the needle. That's it, it's as simple as where the tension is located. On a class 15 sewing machine, the tension is off the left side of the machine head and not on the front of the machine. Let's start by what makes a class 15 sewing machine. Purchasing items from the links cost you nothing more and adds a few pennies to the fabric budget. Here are a couple others if you're interested. This site is absolutely the best site around.


You can join some of the singer forums and someone will give you a link to a manual for your machine. Here is link to a list of cloned machines. I have some links listed below that explains about 'clones'. They Japanese made them by the millions for anybody and everybody." Some machines are not exact duplicates of the Singer 15 but share enough characteristics to be considered clones. Other minor changes such as the bed mounted knob to lower the feed dogs were incorporated. Many of them were made in colors whereas Singer only made the original style of 15s in black. After WWII Singer's patents on the model 15 had expired and when our government relaxed tariff laws so our former enemies could rebuild there economies at our expense, the Japanese used the Singer 15 as a pattern and went on to embellish it. "The term "clone" as used here refers to the Japanese, and sometimes Chinese and Indian made copies of the Singer Model 15 machines.

Universal sewing machine japan